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Day 2 Morning – Theme: Navigating Supply Chains
08:00 - 09:00
(60 mins)
Participant Arrival and Registration
09:00 - 09:05
(05 mins)
Opening Welcome by Conference Chair
09:05 - 09:55 (50 mins)
[Panel] Navigating the Path for Commercial CO2 Corridors: Expanding Reach, Fostering Partnerships, and Delivering Results
Discuss regulatory and policy challenges to facilitate the growth of CO2 transport networks
Explore sustainable business models for the successful operation of CO2 corridors and ways of implementing innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency of CO2 transportation
Discuss importance of establishing strategic partnerships to expand the reach of commercial CO2 corridors
09:55 - 10:15 (20 mins)
[Keynote] Reserved for Wood Mackenzie

Speaker Representative
Wood Mackenzie
Coffee Break (30 mins)
10:45 - 11:35 (50 mins)
[Panel] Charting the Course for Flagship Carbon Storage: Strategic Moves, Pivotal Sites, and Dynamic Partnerships
Identify strategic moves and evaluate pivotal sites for optimal carbon storage capacity and long-term effectiveness
Assess the current environmental impact and performance of CCS
Explore dynamic partnerships to secure funding, expertise, and support for carbon storage initiatives
11:35 - 11:55 (20 mins)
[Spotlight] The Vital Link: The Integral Role of CO2 Shipping and Terminals in CCUS
11:55 - 12:15
(20 mins)
[Keynote] Reserved for Technip Energies

Speaker Representative
Technip Energies
Day 2 Afternoon – Theme: Innovations and Circular Economy
14:00 - 14:50 (50 mins)
[Panel] Scaling Next-Gen Solutions for Carbon Removal: What to Expect from DACCS and BECCS
Reveiw the latest developments in DACCS and BECCS, and their potential for scaling up carbon removal efforts
Assess the cost-effectiveness and economic implications of implementing these technologies
Discuss the necessary policy frameworks and market dynamics that could facilitate the expansion of next-generation CDR technologies
14:50 - 15:10 (20 mins)
[Keynote] Reserved for S&P Global Commodity Insights

Speaker Representative
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Coffee Break (30 mins)
15:50 - 16:10 (20 mins)
[Spotlight Carbon Credits] Increasing Scale and Bankability: Leveraging Carbon Credits for DACCS/BECCS Success
16:10 - 17:00 (50 mins)
[Panel] Creating Demands and Unlocking the Future of Circular Economy with CO2 Utilisation
Identify market incentives to encourage the utilization of CO2 in the circular economy, such as carbon credits and subsidies for CO2-based products
Focus on the development of innovative technologies that convert CO2 into valuable products, such as synthetic fuels, chemicals, and building materials
Encourage cross-sector collaboration between industries, governments, and academia to unlock the full potential of CO2 utilisation
Explore sustainable business models that integrate CO2 utilisation
17:00 - 17:30 (30 mins)
Closing and Networking
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