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Day 2 Morning – Theme: Navigating Supply Chains

08:00 - 09:00

(60 mins)

Participant Arrival and Registration

09:00 - 09:05

(05 mins)

Opening Welcome by Conference Chair

09:05 - 09:55 (50 mins)

[Panel] Navigating the Path for Commercial CO2 Corridors: Expanding Reach, Fostering Partnerships, and Delivering Results
  • Discuss regulatory and policy challenges to facilitate the growth of CO2 transport networks
  • Explore sustainable business models for the successful operation of CO2 corridors and ways of implementing innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency of CO2 transportation
  • Discuss importance of establishing strategic partnerships to expand the reach of commercial CO2 corridors

09:55 - 10:15 (20 mins)

[Keynote] Reserved for Wood Mackenzie

Speaker Representative
Wood Mackenzie

Coffee Break (30 mins)

10:45 - 11:35 (50 mins)

[Panel] Charting the Course for Flagship Carbon Storage: Strategic Moves, Pivotal Sites, and Dynamic Partnerships
  • Identify strategic moves and evaluate pivotal sites for optimal carbon storage capacity and long-term effectiveness
  • Assess the current environmental impact and performance of CCS
  • Explore dynamic partnerships to secure funding, expertise, and support for carbon storage initiatives

11:35 - 11:55  (20 mins)

[Spotlight] The Vital Link: The Integral Role of CO2 Shipping and Terminals in CCUS

11:55 - 12:15

(20 mins)

[Keynote] Reserved for Technip Energies

Speaker Representative
Technip Energies


Day 2 Afternoon – Theme: Innovations and Circular Economy

14:00 - 14:50 (50 mins)

[Panel] Scaling Next-Gen Solutions for Carbon Removal: What to Expect from DACCS and BECCS
  • Reveiw the latest developments in DACCS and BECCS, and their potential for scaling up carbon removal efforts
  • Assess the cost-effectiveness and economic implications of implementing these technologies
  • Discuss the necessary policy frameworks and market dynamics that could facilitate the expansion of next-generation CDR technologies

14:50 - 15:10 (20 mins)

[Keynote] Reserved for S&P Global Commodity Insights

Speaker Representative
S&P Global Commodity Insights

Coffee Break (30 mins)

15:50 - 16:10 (20 mins)

[Spotlight Carbon Credits] Increasing Scale and Bankability: Leveraging Carbon Credits for DACCS/BECCS Success

16:10 - 17:00 (50 mins)

[Panel] Creating Demands and Unlocking the Future of Circular Economy with CO2 Utilisation
  • Identify market incentives to encourage the utilization of CO2 in the circular economy, such as carbon credits and subsidies for CO2-based products
  • Focus on the development of innovative technologies that convert CO2 into valuable products, such as synthetic fuels, chemicals, and building materials
  • Encourage cross-sector collaboration between industries, governments, and academia to unlock the full potential of CO2 utilisation
  • Explore sustainable business models that integrate CO2 utilisation

17:00 - 17:30 (30 mins)

Closing and Networking
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